I know that most of us have this over whelming urge to rid ourselves of extra belongings right after Christmas. It must be in our DNA to suddenly get the urge to clean the closets, empty the drawers and go through our garage searching for un-used and not needed items. I was a small child when I first found the urge to purge right after Christmas. Is the over abundance of stuff we acquire with Christmas putting us over the top? I think that is probably the logical answer.
I found this wonderful internet site http://www.soles4souls.com/
They have a simple mission: to impact as many lives as possible with the gift of shoes. They are partnering with charities and governments around the world to provide a basic (yet indispensable) gift that most of us take for granted. You can help them in many ways: donating your own shoes, donating cash for freight, hosting a shoe drive, or even donating your time as a volunteer. As shoe industry professionals, they are working hard to use the resources at their disposal to make a difference -- but they need your help (and your shoes) to reach out to the world.
When you are going through your closet, check out the shoes. I bet you have several pair that rival the shoes being worn by many in the world today. Check out the picture that I got in an email this week to spread the word that we must be thankful for what we have instead of always wishing for more and better.
Happy Holidays! I wish you the best for 2008, but I also wish the best for the world in 2008. As a citizen of the world, we can all do one small thing to reach out to make our world a better place. There are many small ways we can help:
- Next time you buy a can of beans, buy one extra and deliver it to the local food bank
- If you sell for a living, set aside a portion of each sale for charity. One penny from each of us could amount to feeding a hungry family.
- Take your elderly neighbor with you the next time you go shopping. It may be the only time they get to go! Remember that you will be old some day sooner than you think!
- That puppy running loose on the road is likely to be killed. Pick it up and deliver it to the local shelter. His owner will find him or he might just find a good home and have a second opportunity for life.
- Join a local toy drive. It isn't too late to buy an extra toy for a hopeful child.
- Visit a nursing home to spread some joy. Older people love company! Company doesn't cost you anything!
- Next time you are planning your future, think about how it will impact the younger generation.
- Plant a tree and feel good because it will give shade to those that come after you.
- Make a new friend with someone that isn't just like you. What a surprise when you find out how much you do have in common with others that you have previously not bothered to know.
- Remember that random acts of kindness can move mountains and maybe even stop wars!
- keep this list going. I'm sure you and your family could add many ideas to this list. Things that would take minutes of our time.
The world cannot get better if we never give it our time and consideration. We are not islands living alone. Everything we do and say impacts those that share our space. Each day is like a page in a book. We all create a page each day. Whatever we do that day should be something we would want to be remembered. I wonder what we would write on our page for each day if we realized that our book would be published for the world to read! Your book will be read. Your immortality can be what you leave behind good or bad. Our lives can be like a meaningful piece of literature that impacts us to remember the contents or it can be like a cheap romance novel that is read and soon forgotten.
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