Some of you may wonder where my husband is while I am working away on my computer running our eBay Store along with our website a www.winchuckriverstore.com. Well, he is in his woodworking area building another kayak! He has been building his hands-free fishing kayaks for about 30 years!
We had a cruiser on the Sacramento Delta for many years. He built two of his kayaks so that we could get off the cruiser to fish or just to paddle around visiting other boats, going to an island or exploring shallow waters where the blue heron rookeries were. We could actually feel the bumps from thousands of carp mating in warm waters where the cruiser couldn't go. We had lots of fun with these small kayaks that could stand end up on the swim board to be transported.
After moving to the wonderfully wild coast of Southern Oregon, Jim plotted and planned how he could put an electric motor on one of the kayaks so he could fish the rivers near us. Being the compulsive engineer that he is, he finally came up with a plan that worked. He has now built approximately four or five of these electric powered kayaks. Each kayak has been an improvement over the other. He recently used a cad program to draw up the plans, plot his electronics and all that wizard type stuff that I don't understand. He has now built two kayaks using his plans to make sure that they were correct. He is now ready to sell the plans along with a number of kits to make it easier to be built. Not everyone understands electronics or the fine details in building frames, so he has put together these kits to make the process go much faster and easier for the customer.
You can go to our website, www.winchuckriverstore.com to see what we have listed. I probably will get everything listed in a day or two.
I have 130 plus items to list, so my work is never done. I seem to have jumped over Jim in working with the net. He has been stuck designing kayaks; while I have learned to create a web page and figure out how to load a shopping cart, change categories and resize hundreds of images. I am now the computer geek of the family. Imagine that!!
We took an early retirement and have never been so busy! I guess you just can't keep a good man or good woman down! Come back to check on what's new and if you have any comments or questions, please leave it here or contact winchuck@winchuckriverstore.com . We do check our messages often and will get back to you as soon as possible. I even plan to order an 800 number this next week! Are we having fun yet? I think so!
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