Now I can really say, Happy Holidays! The season is upon us. We had a very nice Thanksgiving with my husband's two grown children and their spouses. We spent three days eating way too much and enjoying each other's company.
I made four pumpkin pies from those sweet little pumpkins. We ate two pies before Thanksgiving day! Jim's daughter, Lynnette, made two apple pies. We ate 1 of those and managed to finish off the third pumpkin pie! We had a huge 20 lb turkey with all the trimmings and I made a ham just in case! In case didn't happen, but we enjoyed sandwiches the next day.
I am very grateful for my husband's children, who have learned through the last 19 years to love and appreciate me for who I am. It didn't start off that way, so all of you out there with step children, there is hope. Be who you are, keep loving and they will mature into fine people who can appreciate the choice their parent made in marrying you! Thank you Wayne and Lynnette for being open to loving me!
I am very grateful for my life. There are always things to improve upon. It is important that I manage to evolve into a better human being as time gives me more wisdom. By the time I part this earth, I hope my legacy will be worth leaving behind. It is getting easier with time to know the path that I have to follow. I am not distracted by bright lights of frivilous activities and feel more centered on a path of following my belief system and my heart. I am not always understood, but it isn't as important to me as it used to be. I need to live by my principles even though I often feel even loved ones do not understand.
I had a long conversation with my husband about this path of life and how so much of what we are is where we came from. Actions that we do without thinking that don't always work, but we find it necessary to stay on the normal path instead of finding a better way. It is sad that we get stuck. There is a story about a woman who always cut the end off of her pork roast, so her daughter cut off the end of her roast. When asked why, the daughter said that she did it because her mother had always done that. When her mother was asked why, she answered that it was because she never had a pan large enough to put the whole roast in. We can be quite silly in following what is normal and not always following what is right or even reasonable.
I am old enough now not to be threatened by my past. I don't support it. I don't apologize for it. I try to find a better way, if need be. It is time in my life to worry about my legacy and time to forget about fulfilling expectations based on the past. Today is a new day. Tomorrow is still another new day. We have to choose what is important for the future. I grew up when men clear cut the trees, they consumed way too much energy and they spent lives and money on way too many wars. It doesn't mean that life has to repeat itself over and over. Every once in awhile a man comes along that rocks our foundations. We hate him at first and then he becomes a hero. Jesus Christ, Ghandi, Martin Luther King and men like them did not follow the norm. They made an effort to find a new way that worked better. We can do that in small ways. We can change the course of history if we all decide to leave the past in the past and work for the future. I am trying to make small steps into a better future.
My website hasn't changed yet, but my eBay store is up and running in its new format. I love it. I think it is me. I expect that my customers will feel that they know me. I hope they feel that they can trust that I will work hard to make them satisfied when they choose to do business with me. I laid myself out there, exposing my true self. It seems it is also a time to choose to do business in a more personal manner where I might even find new friends that can teach me new ways to look at the world.
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