Here on the Southern Coast of Oregon, we take casual seriously! I am determined to share our lifestyle of the Pacific Northwest by selling products that directly relate to what I love and find useful or beautiful. I know many of my neighbors here in the Brookings, Oregon area like Shabby Chic, European Modern, or even Japanese Decor. I personally like my home to reflect my love of what living on the Wild River Coast of Oregon offers. When I am cuddled up on my couch reading, I want to feel much like I do when I am sitting around a campfire with a woolen blanket over my shoulders. I love the touch and feel of camping in the woods. My couch in the family room is covered with a rug that my friend, Elmo Williams, found in Iran in the 1960's while helping to set up Ibex Studios for the former Shah of Iran. The movie, Caravans, was made by Elmo with Ibex starring Anthony Quinn and Jennifer O'Neill. It is a tribal rug made by nomads who would roll it up, throw it over the back of a pack animal and use it as a floor for their next camping spot. The design reminds me of our American Indian blankets. It protects the couch from the labrador hair and my muddy feet, when I'm curled up forgetting to take my shoes off. My mother's dog, Buffy, is in the picture. We rescued her from up the Rogue River where she wondered about for at least ten days before she was taken into the animal shelter. The other dog is Codie, one of the shedding labradors. I simply vacume the rug like I do any rug. It works. It is warm and comforting and I dream of the history that the rug could tell me if it could speak. What great campfire tales that rug could tell!
The metal lanterns that glow like a candle set the mood for the evening and the rustic hand-made lampshade with the elk hidden in the trees just adds more to the theme that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I feel home in my cabin. I feel safe and secure knowing my camp-site has a door and the electricity helps too. I spent years camping from the back of a motorcycle. We only had a pup tent, sleeping bag and a bag of peanuts for breakfast. My new campsite here on the Winchuck has the feeling of a special bed and breakfast where I am pampered while still feeling the great outdoors. I have a great walking stick hanging by the door that has a screw off tip where I can place my camera for a steady hand while taking pictures when I venture out.
Visit our website a www.winchuckriverstore.com to find out what you can purchase from us to share our seriously casual lifestyle. We have many Christmas gift ideas too.
The metal lanterns that glow like a candle set the mood for the evening and the rustic hand-made lampshade with the elk hidden in the trees just adds more to the theme that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I feel home in my cabin. I feel safe and secure knowing my camp-site has a door and the electricity helps too. I spent years camping from the back of a motorcycle. We only had a pup tent, sleeping bag and a bag of peanuts for breakfast. My new campsite here on the Winchuck has the feeling of a special bed and breakfast where I am pampered while still feeling the great outdoors. I have a great walking stick hanging by the door that has a screw off tip where I can place my camera for a steady hand while taking pictures when I venture out.
Visit our website a www.winchuckriverstore.com to find out what you can purchase from us to share our seriously casual lifestyle. We have many Christmas gift ideas too.
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