Monday, January 14, 2013

Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky

I watched a documentary film on Netflixs last night about an obvious miscarriage of justice by the Russian government.  I feel compelled to do something.  I know I am only an old woman living up a river in a rural area near the Coast of Southern Oregon, but I must use my voice.  I consider it close to a sin not use what power I might have.  Khodorkovsky was Russia's answer to our incredibly successful business people like Steve Jobs, who manage to create empires with a solid business plan and lots of imagination.  The fault of Khodorkovsky's was that he did this in Russia.    You can read about Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky to judge for yourself.  I posted on Facebook and now am writing this blog hoping that the more out there in the cyber world can only be a good thing.  I believe that most of what is wrong with our world is based on fear.   Russia is trying hard to catch up to the rest of the world powers in their appearance of having an open society with  free enterprise..  It appears to be more noise than real intent.  Khodorkovsky made the mistake of thinking his world would be open to his ability to succeed in  newly "allowed" freedom in Russia.  The old guard wasn't on his side.  He ended up in prison.  I believe he is more powerful in prison being silenced in a very loud way.  The more of us who know about what happened to him, the more Russia's leaders will be embarrassed that we know about their bluff.  We cannot believe Russia plays fair.  They are still stuck in the corrupt system that has choked them into using growls, threats, corruption and greed for power that they want us to believe they left far behind many years ago.  I plan to write letters to him thinking that any encouragement cannot be harmful.  I sure would like to know that even the likes of me has his back.  If I can manage to do this, I know many others can do the same.  Let's use our voices to fight for justice.  Sure, we can't make every bad thing go away, but we can sure try.  It is boring to just sit around smelling our own personal roses.  Let your world view expand to include those corners of our earth where those in charge think we don't care or we will just not bother.  It isn't just our leader's job to make wrongs right.  It is our responsibility for being able to breath in and out without fear to speak up.

The letter I am sending to Mikahil:

Dear Mikahil,

I am only a grandmother living in the United States.  As a grandmother, I am writing you to give you warmth, care and compassion.  I recently watched a documentary on what happened to you.  I felt compelled to know more and to use my voice.  My voice is not important.  It does not reach the top levels of any government, but it is a voice filled with love for my world.  You are part of this world.

I hope the translation available on the internet will be understood.  Take my words to cover you for a few moments with a feeling that you are not forgotten.  Feel the soft cover of kindness that all who suffer deserve.  I will use what tools I have available to keep your image alive.

Stay strong.  Your family will be waiting.  We are waiting for that day when you are free again.  


Уважаемые Mikahil,

Я только бабушки, живущие в Соединенных Штатах. Как бабушка, я пишу Вам, чтобы дать вам тепло, заботу и сострадание. Недавно я смотрел документальный фильм о том, что случилось с вами. Я был вынужден, чтобы узнать больше и использовать свой голос. Мой голос не важно. Это не достигают высших уровнях любой власти, но это голосом, полным любви к миру. Вы являетесь частью этого мира.

Я надеюсь, что перевод доступны в Интернете будет понятно. Возьми мои слова, чтобы покрыть за несколько минут с чувством, что вы не забыли. Почувствуйте мягкое покрытие доброты, что все, кто страдает заслуживают. Я буду использовать то, что у меня есть инструменты доступны сохранить ваши изображения живых.

Оставайтесь сильными. Ваша семья будет ждать. Мы ждем того дня, когда вы можете еще ​​раз.

С уважением,


To send a letter of support directly to Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev in prison, please use the following address. Please note that both can only receive letters and not packages, as there are strict limitations. Please Note: When writing, Khodorkovsky and Lebedev only speak Russian, so any translation (even a rough Google Translate version) is necessary, otherwise the prison administration will not deliver the letter.
Khodorkovsky’s Address in English
186420 Republic of Karelia,
City of Segezha,
#1 Leigubskaya street,
Khodorkovsky M. B., 1963, division 9.
Khodorkovsky’s Address in Russian
186420 Республика Карелия,
г.Сегежа, ул.Лейгубская, 1,
Ходорковскому М.Б., 1963 г.р., 9 отряд
Lebedev’s Address in English
165150 Arkhangelsk region,
Belsky district,
Muravievskaya Hill,
Lebedev’s Address in Russian
165150 Архангельская область,
Вельский р-он,
д. Горка Муравьевская,

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Be sure to watch, just above this blurb, my husband, Jim, using his 10 foot hands-free electric fishing kayak


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We moved to our current home on the Wild River Coast of Southern Oregon from San Jose, CA. Our family consist of Jim and Karen, two dogs and two cats. Karen's passion is gardening. Jim's obsession is building electric powered fishing kayaks and fishing.