I purchased several tomato seeds this year. My favorite from last year was given to me by a friend, which was given to him by one of his friends. Needless to say, we don't know what it was! Ah, to keep them labeled so I will know which ones to order for next year.
It is time to think tomato re-potting as my seedlings are about ready. I chose some of the pins I saved on Pinterest about what to do early on for my tomatoes. More post later as I get things going with all things tomato.
First Leaves and True Leaves on Tomato Seedlings
Seeds are essentially embryos. Cotyledons form the embryonic leaves. Botanists classify plants based on the number of cotyledons or leaves. I think. Sorry, I am not a botanist. What I can tell you for tomato seedlings is that the First Leaves to emerge are not True Leaves. They break the surface and are part of germination geared towards establishing the tomato. They are simply called first leaves. In this case a picture is worth a thousand words.
These first leaves to emerge do not have a basic tomato leaf shape. The edges are not scalloped or broken in any way. True leaves for a tomato seedling are the second set of leaves to develop. They typically show up 10 days after germination or 14-21 days from planting the seeds. True Leaves for a tomato typically have the tomato leaf shape we are accustomed to seeing. Here is another picture to show you the actual true leaves of tomato seedlings. Notice the difference in shape.
True leaves let you know it is time to start considering transplanting the seedlings into larger containers. When you decide to transplant and how you transplant them is a personal choice of technique. Typically, tomatoes are transplanted 3-5 weeks from the original seed planting date.
Without this information, I might transplant before they are ready. Horrors! I probably have been doing this wrong for years!
I will be setting the plants outside in the hoop house about May or maybe sooner since they will be warmer in the hoop house. Time to think fertilizers. I found these on Pinterest.
- Jerry Baker's Recipe for Tomato food: 3 C compost/mulch/dirt 1/2 C Epsom salt 1 T baking soda 1/2 C powdered milk 1. Mix all the ingredients together in a bucket. 2. Place a handful of the mixture into the hole you are digging for your tomato plant. If you have already planted you can sprinkle a handful of the mixture around the stem of the plant and then water.
- Epsom salt as fertilizer, pest deterrent, and seed starter. For tomatoes: Drop 1 cup epsom salt and 1 cup of granulated sugar along with a few eggshells into the hole. Also, plant Marigolds with edibles to keep pests away.
Now to go to the extreme of trying to make my tomatoes end up with perfection!
How We Plant a Tomato
It's been a
tradition for us to repost these instructions each year at this time. Happy tomato growing!
How do we at
Love Apple Farms plant a tomato, you might ask?
With a ridiculous amount of stuff in the hole, is the answer. When someone ropes me into telling them and I
start the long answer, I eventually see their eyes glaze over. That's the point where I say, "Then you
throw in the kitchen sink and cover it all up." To date, no one has laughed at that joke. I
think they're just either too overwhelmed by the real stuff I put in there, or
they actually believe I'm throwing in a sink.
This is how I plant a tomato.
First off, let's take a look at our sexy specimen here on the left.
The tomatoes
are placed three feet apart. I've learned over the years that spacing them
closer than that means less fruit. We
dig a nice deep hole to accommodate all the additions - the exact depth is
dependent upon how tall the seedling is.
I want the plant to be almost completely submerged into the soil, and
the fish head and amendments put into the hole need to be covered with a bit of
soil, so I plan accordingly for the depth.
This particular hole ends up being almost two feet deep, and is ready
for our first goody, these impressive fish heads. I am lucky to have a fisherman living with me. I will not want for any fish heads. The job will be to keep the dogs and cats from wanting to dig them up.
We get them
from the restaurant we grow for, Manresa.
You might be able to get them free from a good butcher or fishmonger. I even know of someone who called a few
restaurants in their area and was quickly rewarded with a nice bounty of juicy
fish heads. Fish tails, spines, guts, as
well as shrimp shells are all good as well.
Some of you may worry about critters digging these up later. I've never had a problem with animals digging
up my tomatoes, and I've got three dogs, five cats, and what seem like an
endless supply of raccoons, bobcats and coyotes living on the property. I stress the point that this is the first
thing that goes into my very deep planting hole. That may help keep it from getting dug
up. You can see the six inch long fish
head staring up at us from the bottom of the hole here:
The next
thing that goes into the hole are a couple of aspirin tablets and some crushed
chicken egg shells. The aspirin is to help jump start the plant's immune
system. I'll put three or four crushed
egg shells into the hole as well. You can see our three colors of eggs from our
fancy chickens - yes, those are green eggs in there. The eggs supply a nice
calcium boost, which will help prevent blossom end rot, that nasty brown patch
on the bottom of tomatoes that lack calcium (the fish head bones and bone meal
also help with that).
Bone Meal is
the next to go into the hole, particularly if I've put a fish head in and not
Fish Bone Meal. I put in a heaping
handful of Bone Meal. This is a nice
organic phosphorus source, which is essential for blossom production. More blossoms, more fruit. Bone meal also increases calcium availability
for the tomato.
I then put
in two handfuls of Gardner & Bloome Tomato, Vegetable and Herb organic
fertilizer. You can use any type of
dry organic, all-purpose fertilizer. The
key is that it's got all three macro-nutrients (something close to 4-6-3
designation). It's not difficult for us in the Western states to find Gardner
& Bloome products at your good local nursery. If you need help, here is a
store locator for you.
I also
recommend putting at least a large tablespoon of pure worm castings in the
bottom of the hole. We amend our beds
with worm castings and also spray a worm casting tea on the plants while they
grow. Really great stuff. If you need to purchase some, be sure they
are 100% pure. There are lots of cheap
compost with small quantities of worm castings thrown in. Check the bag for the ingredients to ensure
you're getting high quality. If you'd
like to buy some of our 100% pure organic worm castings, click here.
The hole is
complete (sans kitchen sink) and I'm now ready to pop in the tomato plant. I trim off the lower leaves, be there
one,two, three or more, leaving only the top-most leaves.
I put an
inch or two of soil on top of the amendments in the hole. The plant is eased out of the pot, and before
it's placed in the hole, I sprinkle the rootball with a product called
RootZone, which is a mycorrhizal fungi that attaches to the roots, growing as
the root ball grows. It helps protect
the plant from some diseases, such as verticillium and fusarium wilts. The product is sold under other names, such
as Power Organics Mycorrhizal Root Booster.
Once the
tomato is in the hole, I double check the depth by judging how far out of the
ground the plant will be sticking.
If it's
going to be too far down, I'll add some more soil. If it looks like it'll be up above the soil
more than I want, that's too bad because I ain't gonna be fishing them fish
parts and all that other stuff up out of that hole and digging it deeper. No siree.
So I try my best to gauge the
depth of the hole according to the height of the plant I'm putting in.
We then back
fill GENTLY - only one quasi-firm push settles the soil around the plant.
Please do
not man handle the soil around the plant by stomping on it or pressing too
hard. That's not necessary and it expels
all the air out of the soil. Believe it
or not, the roots need oxygen down there just as much as they need nutrients
and water.
Now, we have that beautiful row of potential sweetness and all sorts of possibilities!