Saturday, March 29, 2008

We have posted pictures of many items available from Winchuck River Store. If you see an item here that isn't listed, just contact us. We will be glad to help you out. Listing is a continuing operation!

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Adirondack Camps

The Adirondack Camps

When we want to create a rustic style in our homes, we often think of the Great Camps of the Adirondacks for inspiration. The Adirondack wilderness area is in the northeastern corner of New York. It covers approximately six million acres!!

Did you know that the word Adirondack is said to mean bark eaters? Another Indian tribe called the local Algonquin Indians this as an insult. I can hear them now yelling out bark eater! They probably laughed getting just the reaction they were looking for! I imagine that a bark eater might be someone without proper wealth to get some decent food and settling for some nice dry old bark to eat, so it was like calling someone trailer trash or hill billy. Remember this next time you lounge out back in your Adirondack chair.

Unlike several of our parks, there are many homes in the park area. There are more than a hundred communities within the park. We have all heard of Lake Placid; which is famous, but there are smaller settlements that are off the beaten path. Over 100,000 people live in the Adirondack Park and then that amount swells each summer when the tourist visit up to several more million people!

William Murray wrote Adventures in the Wilderness in 1867 . By 1869, the book was being read by all those harried city dwellers who dreamed of hunting and fishing in the wilds. Murray's book was a how-to book describing places to go in the Adirondacks, what to take along and how to hire a guide. He also said that the air was good for a body, scented with sweet balsam and packed with salubrious ozone. ...just where did he get that word, salubrious?

We had been a nation that thought the good life was having the comforts of city living. Now, everyone wanted to rough it a bit returning to the adventures of the wild thanks to our western novels and the hype from the railroad advertisers. We also had a new religion being introduced. It touted exercise and the outdoor life as part of God's plan for us. So, outdoor lovers and religious folk alike flocked to the great wild area of the Adirondacks. Suddenly the wilderness became fashionable and maybe spiritual. Hotels were built and farmers became professional guides and log home builders.

The railroad money came into action with William Durant becoming one of the first land developers in the newly discovered area. He built Camp Pine Knot. It consisted of several buildings with a main lodge. He filled this lodge with locally made rustic furniture. The experience for the traveler was to be set in the mist of the wilderness, but without lacking the comforts of home. The furniture might be made of twigs and planks, but it was made to be comfortable. The beds were often stuffed with balsam. Can you imagine how pleasant that must have been? The camps that came after, took Durant's lead in creating self-sufficient villages at the edge of civilization. There were laundresses, servants, blacksmiths, and carpenters. The guest or owners of these homes could relax fishing, hiking, boating and celebrated a lifestyle where they could experiment in new ways to dress and new ways of decorating and even new ways of thinking! They were free to play!

About this same time, Japan opened it's doors after 400 years of being closed off to the rest of the world. Japanese became the hot place to visit and the place to mimic in design. Many of the camps incorporated Japanese style to their buildings. I read that the Vanderbilt's had their servants all wear Japanese Kimonos! I wonder if they also wore those Gisha style shoes? I can see them tripping around trying to look good as they balanced themselves on their platform shoes! Dinner parties had to be fun!

The camps, as they became known, had English cottage details with eyebrow windows and roofs that looked like thatch, maybe with a Japanese inspired roof line and a pioneer log construction. Experimenting with building techniques and style were just a part of this new adventure! The word, camp, did not mean living in a tent or a cabin. A camp was a group of rustic buildings on the edge of a lake, with untouched forest just out back. It also a place of comfort and even luxury. The wealthy did not want you to think they were truly going without!

Next comes the evolution of what happens with the camps of the Adirondacks......

Visit our store and please comment on our blog. We'd love to have a conversation!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Rustic Living

I've been reading about the history of rustic living in the United States and have come away with some impressions that I find interesting. I could use the books as reference, but I think just using my own words may be not only refreshing because they are not canned but also less like a sociology report done for a freshman introduction to the Science of Society.

I didn't know that the log cabin wasn't introduced into the United States with the Pilgrims. Funny in that I thought they came to our shores to live in tight well built cabins. The reports that I read said that they lived in whatever they could manage to put together; which were more like hovels. The log cabin did not evolve until half a century had passed. Can you imagine our forefathers living in conditions not unlike the shacks we find in the outskirts of third world cities? It sounds like this is what it was like.

The reason stated was that the ax as we came to know it did not exist, so chopping down trees was just too much work! The tool came into its prime when we found that hickory made a handle that didn't break and soon the pioneers found themselves with two survival necessities: the ax and a rifle. If it weren't for the hickory handle on the ax and the rifle, the country would not have been settled as fast as it was.

As the country was explored and families moved further inland from the east coast, the log cabin was the home of choice. There were plenty of trees and a man could build a one-room cabin in about 1 1/2 weeks. I imagine that after the first two days, a man got pretty good at what techniques worked well for him. These men developed all kinds of notches to hold the logs in place. I always thought all log cabins had those neat little square notches like our Lincoln Logs. There were those along with V shaped and assorted others. I wonder if the pioneer man could recognize a cabin as being built by a certain someone by the notch style used?

Windows were a big problem. They broke easily so couldn't be transported across the land. I imagine also that panes of glass were not considered crucial to life, so wouldn't take up valuable space in a wagon. The builders would use paper and apply grease to the paper to make it more weather proof. It was also appreciated because it let light show through. I can't imagine that most folk even had paper. The daily newspaper wasn't delivered like it is today! Another choice was animal skins. I imagine that this was used more often, so homes were dark and dreary unless it was warm weather! Of course shutters were used to close off the windows when it was necessary. Doors were very heavy. They were more likely slabs of wood or planks. That is the reason for those very heavy hinges that we value for antiques today. Roofs were often layers of sod that continued to grow their original covering and were inhabited by their original living bugs. I wonder what happened when our pioneer guy slept with his mouth opened snoring? Dirt, bugs and whatever probably was a continual problem falling from the roof.

Needless to say, it wasn't a romantic life filled with adventure and warm fuzzy beds and a warm house to return to. There is a story of a man who found his log cabin wet and soggy. The family was miserable, so he set a small fire in a hole under the cabin to dry it out. His family burned to death. You can imagine the brutal reality of living in these very "rustic" homes. They were dark, dreary, damp and invested with insects and vermin of all sorts. We gasp at one mouse. Imagine families of mice!!

this is actually an Alaskan log cabin built in the early 1900's

As the nation grew and the railroads criss crossed the open land, advertising blossomed. The railroads needed customers. They found that if they made this whole pioneer life look much better than it really was, more families would either move or visit the "wild romantic west".

In the east, where there were crowded bustling cities, men felt the need to get back to nature. It was a place of solitude where a man could refresh his mind. He could find a peaceful place to replenish his soul. In the Adirondack Mountains of New York, families built summer homes to escape to. These cabins made with local materials by local people who knew how to create a log cabin, make furniture from what was available and use the styles they knew. It was during the Victorian Era. There was money for extra homes and time to travel. The country saw a romance with the wild outdoors; which made the rustic retreat fascinating and so very American. They wanted to rough it, but they brought along their crystal, silver and servants. The rich made rustic palaces and the average man built more basic log cabins. It gave everyone a dream of the good life. By 1890, there was no longer a wilderness in the United States, where no man lived.

America fell in love with Western novels, the pioneer life, Wild Bill Cody and everything rustic. National Parks came to be. Of course, true to our American way, the railroads drove this movement purely to make money. The Grand Canyon Lodge was built with railroad money and made money from the day it was built. I wonder would we be so enchanted with rustic life if some one didn't see it as an opportunity to make money? Should we celebrate the railroad moguls for giving us something we didn't know we wanted? I personally am happy that we developed a taste for everything rustic. John Muir was right. He said, "Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life." Park visitors grew from 69,000 in 1908 to 335,000 in 1915. That is truly amazing!

The Adironacks came to be the place to go. Harvard University's professors liked the "simple life" to have a place to think. Many of our famous people were privileged to have this summer experience. These simple cabins became camps as buildings had to be built to make room for the many people who wanted to experience this with their family and friends.

The log cabin experience did not slow down. Of course, everyone wanted to have a retreat. The capitalists to the cowpokes all wanted the pioneer lifestyle. The rich brought all the comforts of home with them. Mission and Stickley furniture was the rage, so it became ingrained in our concept of rustic furniture along with the down-home hickory, wicker and furniture incorporating on-hand materials made by local craftsmen. The wealthy not only brought their furniture, silver and crystal, but brought along the chalet style from Europe. They were also influenced by their travels and brought along a love of the alpine version of the cabin from Germany, France and Switzerland.

Retreat owners brought along their compulsive need for more with Japanese elements. The Vanderbilts dressed their servants in Japanese kimonos! We all know the Victorians loved clutter, so everything was brought into play. Rustic became a gathering of all sorts. Lace and bark were mixed layer upon layer with all sorts of collections being popular. We still see some rustic decorating books showing this tradition.

But rustic does not have to mean more is better! It can be the simple life of the cowpoke. He had what was necessary and many retreats today reflect a more pared down version of rustic. We have learned to appreciate the primeval beauty of rock without piles of clutter. Rustic can be whatever pleases our need for peaceful place to be.

I will continue to chatter about rustic as I continue my journey into creating Winchuck River Store into the place to find what you need to complete your individual rustic look. Visit us often to see what else we have found to offer.

Some good reading; which is a study made by students, about these first log homes is: LOG HOME

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Salmon Fishing on The Wild's River Coast of Southern Oregon

For serious considertion, we live on the Wild's Rivers Coast of Souther Oregon. We have just received the notice that the salmon fishing season will be severely restricted this coming summer! It is devestating to the economics of our small rural area. We depend on the tourist!
I want to insure everyone considering coming to the Souther Coast of the Pacific Northwest for summer vacation, that there is so much more than salmon here in this beautiful paradise. The three pictures above come from my immediate neighborhood up the Winchuck River. The first one is 4 miles west of my home at the ocean, the other is 1.5 miles from Hwy 101 and the other was taken just a bit further up from my home at the 4 mile marker. You can see that anyone would enjoy visiting just that small selection of what we offer for our tourist! We have many other wonderful choices of how to spend your vacation.
Please don't stay away because of our need to save the salmon for future generations. We have loads of bottom fish to catch. Nothing is better than Ling Cod! Go to my husband's website, to see all the pictures he has showing all sorts of fish being caught. Ling Cod are not on a list of not to catch! Have you ever had a meal of Sand Dabs? They are fantastic and then there is Rock Cod and much more! If you come in July, get a hold of us. We have four Peach trees and blueberry bushes. Children love picking blueberries and stuffing them in their mouths as they go. Our dogs follow them around learning just how to chew those berries off the bush!
We have miles of woodland trails. The best ever for easy hiking is just past the Ludlam House up the Winchuck. You can rent the Ludlam House and camp in a cabin! Visit to see the camping possibilities and other tourist information.
Contact us for more information. We are always happy to encourage your visit. We know everyone will love God's Country as much as we do!
I am just here this morning encouraging you not to believe the hype on the news that the Southern Coast of Oregon is shut down for fishing. We are not! Come! The Clark family encourages your visit. has other links to fishing and visitor's information about our area. and of course the Chamber's website is loaded with everything you may want to know! I'm even listed as a member! Look for Winchuck River Store and Kingfisher Electric Boats!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Five years ago today, The US Launched a War

Five years ago today, President George W. Bush launched a war that should never have been authorized based on faulty premises and bad intelligence.
This war has now lasted longer than World War I, World War II, or the Civil War.
Nearly four thousand Americans have given their lives. Thousands more have been wounded. Even under the best-case scenarios, this war will cost American taxpayers well over a trillion dollars.
And where are we for all of this sacrifice?
We are less safe and less able to shape events abroad. We are divided at home, and our alliances around the world have been strained. The threats of a new century have roiled the waters of peace and stability, and yet America remains anchored in Iraq.
I am running for President because it's time to turn the page on a failed ideology and a fundamentally flawed political strategy, so that we can make pragmatic judgments to keep our country safe.
That's what I did when I stood up and opposed this war from the start and said that we needed to finish the fight against al Qaeda. And that's what I'll do as President of the United States.
Please take a few minutes to read my strategy for ending the war in Iraq and making America safer. I hope you will sign on and show your support:
Senator Clinton says that she and Senator McCain have passed a "Commander-in-Chief test" -- not because of the judgments they've made, but because of the years they've spent in Washington.
She made a similar argument when she said her vote for war was based on her experience at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.
But here is the stark reality: there is a security gap in this country -- a gap between the rhetoric of those who claim to be tough on national security, and the reality of growing insecurity caused by their decisions.
It is time to have a debate with Senator McCain about the future of our national security. And the way to win that debate and keep America safe is to offer a clear contrast -- a clean break from the failed policies and politics of the past.
Nowhere is that break more badly needed than in Iraq.
Join me in supporting an end to this war and a plan for a safer America:
The judgment that matters most on Iraq -- and on any decision to deploy military force -- is the judgment made first.
If you believe we are fighting the right war, then the problems we face are purely tactical in nature. That is what Senator McCain wants to discuss -- tactics. What he and the Administration have failed to present is an overarching strategy: how the war in Iraq enhances our long-term security, or will in the future.
That's why this Administration cannot answer the simple question posed by Senator John Warner in hearings last year: Are we safer because of this war? And that is why Senator McCain can argue -- as he did last year -- that we couldn't leave Iraq because violence was up, and then argue this year that we can't leave Iraq because violence is down.
When you have no overarching strategy, there is no clear definition of success.
Success comes to be defined as the ability to maintain a flawed policy indefinitely. Here is the truth: fighting a war without end will not force the Iraqis to take responsibility for their own future. And fighting in a war without end will not make the American people safer.
When I am Commander-in-Chief, I will set a new goal on Day One: I will end this war. Not because politics compels it. Not because our troops cannot bear the burden -- as heavy as it is. But because it is the right thing to do for our national security, and it will ultimately make us safer.
Show your support for a clear strategy to end the war in Iraq and focus our national security efforts on making America safer:
Here are the core elements of my strategy to address our critical national security challenges in the 21st century:
End the war in Iraq, removing our troops at a pace of 1 to 2 combat brigades per month;
Finally finish the fight against the Taliban, root out al Qaeda and invest in the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan, while making aid to the Pakistani government conditional;
Act aggressively to stop nuclear proliferation and to secure all loose nuclear materials around the world;
Double our foreign assistance to cut extreme poverty in half;
Invest in a clean energy future to wean the U.S. off of foreign oil and to lead the world against the threat of global climate change;
Rebuild our military capability by increasing the number of soldiers, marines, and special forces troops, and insist on adequate training and time off between deployments;
Renew American diplomacy by talking to our adversaries as well as our friends; increasing the size of the Foreign Service and the Peace Corps; and creating an America's Voice Corps.
Please take a minute to show your support for this plan:
We are at a defining moment in our history.
This must be the election when America comes together behind a common purpose on behalf of our security and our values.
That is what we do as Americans. It's how we founded a republic based on freedom, and faced down fascism. It's how we defended democracy through a Cold War, and shined a light of hope bright enough to be seen in the darkest corners of the world.
When America leads with principle and pragmatism, hope can triumph over fear. It is time, once again, for America to lead.
Thank you,
Barack Obama

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Carpet Glossary of Terms

Winchuck River Store is now adding carpets to their website
so that customers can find almost everything to complete their home decor needs. We are choosing carpets that go well with Rustic Cabin Lodge Decor and much more! We even have some carpets to put into our Grandma's Corner Category. Grandmas can find that special item for their grandchildren!
Selling has always been seen as a responsibility that we feel very strongly about. We believe as sellers, we need to understand what we are selling.
Before we start listing the beautiful carpets that we have available, we must understand the terms and vocabulary used in the carpet industry. We need to know these terms not only for ourselves but so that our customers can buy as informed and knowledgeable buyers.
We are sharing just part of our research with you here on our blog. We made up a alphabetical list of all the terms we could find regarding carpet.
If you are looking for good prices and many choices, keep in contact as these carpets will be on our website soon. In the meantime, don't hesitate to call our toll free number 877-572-6451 or email us at
I hope you find this glossary helpful. We would love to get some feedback from you. Let us know what else we can provide that would be helpful in creating your perfect home decor.

A chemical treatment added to carpet to reduce the growth of
common bacteria, fungi, yeast, mold and mildew.

Antistatic .
The ability of a carpet system to dissipate an electrostatic charge
before it reaches the threshold of human sensitivity

Attached Cushion
A cushioning material, such as foam, rubber, urethane, PVC, etc.
adhered to the back side of a carpet to provide additional
dimensional stability, thickness and

Average Pile Yarn Weight
Mass per unit area of the pile yarn including buried portions of the pile yarn. In the
U.S., it is usually expressed as ounces per square yard

Fabrics and yarns that make up the back of the carpet as opposed to the carpet pile
or face. In tufted carpet

A loop-pile carpet style tufted with thick yarn, such as wool, nylon or olefin. Often
having random specks of color in contrast to a base hue, this
carpet style has a full, comfortable feel, while maintaining an
informal, casual look. Currently, this term has expanded to
describe many level or multilevel loop carpet styles

A band or strip sewn over a carpet edge to protect, strengthen
or decorate the edge.

A term used to denote carpet produced in widths wider than 6
feet. Broadloom is usually 12 feet wide, but may also be
13 feet 6 inches and 15 feet wide

Bulked continuous filament (BCF)
Continuous strands of synthetic fiber formed into yarn bundles
of a given number of filaments and texturized to increase bulk
and cover. Texturizing changes the straight filaments into
kinked or curled configurations

Carpet is a heavy fabric used to cover floor and made from a
variety of fibers

The manufacturing method (i.e., tufted, woven) and the final
arrangement of fiber and backing materials as stated in its

Crushing is irreparable loss of pile height caused by traffic or

Any kind of material placed under carpet to provide softness
and adequate support when it is walked upon. Carpet cushion
provides a softer feel underfoot and provides added acoustical
and insulation benefits and longer wear life for the carpet. In some
cases, the carpet cushion is attached to the carpet when it is manufactured.
Also referred to as "padding" or "underlay," although "cushion" is the preferred term. Cushion under most residential carpet should be a thickness no greater than 7/16"

Cushion (Padding)
Any kind of material placed under carpet to provide a softer feel
underfoot and longer wear life for the carpet.

Cut Pile
A carpet fabric in which the face is composed of cut ends of pile
yarn Loops are cut, leaving individual yarn tufts. Still one of
today's most popular constructions, its durability is achieved
with factors including the type of fiber, density of tufts,
and the amount of twist in the yarn.

Cut-Loop Pile
A carpet fabric in which the face is composed of a combination
of cut ends of pile yarns and loops

Separation of the secondary backing or attached cushion from
the primary backing of the carpet

Denier is the amount of yarn per area of carpet

Refers to the amount of pile yarn in the carpet and the closeness
of the tufts. In general, the denser the pile, the better the

Dimensional Stability
The ability of the carpet to retain its original size and shape,
e.g. a secondary backing adds dimensional stability to carpet

Direct Glue Down
An installation method whereby the carpet is adhered to the

Double Glue-Down
An installation method whereby the carpet cushion is first
adhered to the floor with an adhesive, and the carpet is
then glued to the cushion

Double-Glued Seams
Double-glued seams attach carpet to bare floor to prevent
delamination and edge

Face Weight
Face weight is the number of ounces of fiber per square yard
in the face of the carpet (not including the backing). The face
weight affects performance and durability. Face weight is
different from density because it varies with carpet height

Fiber is the fundamental unit of carpet. Carpet fibers are made
from nylon, polyester, cotton, acrylics, wool, and recycled

A single continuous strand of natural or synthetic fiber

Flocked carpet is made of tufts of wool or cotton fiber

Appearance on carpet surface of loose fiber fragments left
during manufacture; not a defect, but a characteristic that
disappears after carpet use and vacuuming. Sometimes called
“fuzzing” or “shedding.

Pronounced "free-zay," this tightly twisted yarn gives carpet a
rough, nubby appearance.

Hairy effect on fabric surface caused by fibers slipping out of the
yarn with wear or wet cleaning

The distance between two needle points expressed in fractions
of an inch. Applies to both knitting and tufting

The tactile aesthetic qualities of carpet and textiles, how it feels
to the hand.

The process that sets the twist by heat or steam, enabling yarns
to hold their twist over time. Important in cut pile carpet. Most
nylon, olefin and polyester cut pile carpets are heat-set

Carpet Construction - Fiber
Fiber is carpet’s basic ingredient. The type of fiber used and the
way the carpet is constructed determine how well the carpet will
stand up to spills, pets, and daily traffic. Approximately 97
percent of all carpet is produced using synthetic
fibers that are designed to feature style, easy maintenance, and outstanding value.

Indoor/Outdoor Carpet
A term synonymous with outdoor carpet

Knitted carpet is formed by interlacing yarn in a series of
connected loops

Level Loop.
The pile loops are of substantially the same height and uncut,
making a smooth, level surface.

Loop Pile
Here loops are the same height, creating an informal look. This
style generally lasts a long time in high-traffic areas. Many of
today’s popular Berber styles are level loop styles with flecks of
a darker color on a lighter background. This is a good choice
for contemporary to cottage furnishings.

Brightness or sheen of fibers, yarns, carpet or fabrics

Matting is the usually irreversible adhesion of carpet yarn caused
by traffic or dirt

Carpet memory refers to texture retention

Miter Joint.
A junction of two pieces of carpet (or other material) at an angle.
Most miter joints involve pieces at right angles to one another
with their ends cut at 45 degrees to form the joint.

Needle Punched
Needle punched carpet is stitched into backing material

It is the most popular and represents two-thirds of the pile fibers
used in the United States. Wear-resistant, resilient, withstands
the weight and movement of furniture, and provides brilliant
color. Ability to conceal and resist soils and stains. Generally
good for all traffic areas.

Olefin (polypropylene).
Strong, resists wear and permanent stains, and is easily cleaned.
Notably colorfast because color is added during fiber production.
Resists static electricity and is often used in both indoor and
outdoor installations because of its resistance to moisture and

The visible surface of carpet consisting of yarn tufts in loop
and/or cut configuration. Sometimes called “face” or “nap”.

Pile Crush
Loss of pile thickness due to compression and bending of tufts
caused by traffic and heavy furniture. The tufts collapse into the
air space between them. This may be irreversible if the yarn has
inadequate resilience or the pile has insufficient density for the
traffic load. Frequent vacuuming will lift the pile for longer carpet

Pile Reversal
Pile reversal or shading is a feature of cut pile carpet. Traffic
bends the carpet fiber in different directions creating an
impression of light and dark areas. Regular vacuuming can
create uniform shades

Pile Yarn Weight
Mass per unit area of the pile yarn including buried portions.
(Expressed as ounces per square yard.)

A condition of the carpet face (which may occur from heavy
traffic) in which fibers from different tufts become entangled
with one another, forming tangled masses of fibers. Pills may
be cut off with scissors.

Luxuriously smooth-textured carpet surface in which individual tufts are only
minimally visible and the overall visual effect is that of a single level of yarn ends.
This finish is normally achieved only on cut-pile carpet produced from spun yarns
by brushing and shearing. Sometimes called “velvet-plush.”

Plush (Velvet)
Has a dense luxurious feel. Shows footprints and vacuum marks easily. Best for
low traffic areas and formal rooms

A single-end component in a plied yarn. 2. The number that tells how many
single ends have been ply-twisted together to form a plied yarn, e.g., two-ply or

Noted for luxurious, soft "hand" when used in thick, cut-pile textures. Has
excellent color clarity and retention. Easily cleaned, and resistant to water-soluble

Power Stretcher
A carpet installation tool used to stretch carpet for installation with a tackless strip.
According to industry standards, residential carpet, installed over A cushion with a
tackless strip, must be power-stretched to prevent wrinkles and ripples

Ability of carpet pile or cushion to recover original appearance and thickness after
being subjected to compressive forces or crushing under traffic

Heat and humidity can cause ruffles or waves in wall-to-wall carpet. A
professional carpet retailer or installer can re-stretch the carpet with a power

A cut-pile carpet texture with twisted yarns in a relatively dense, erect
configuration. The effect is well-defined tuft tips.

Seam Sealing
A procedure in which a continuous bead of adhesive is applied to the trimmed
edges of carpet to be joined at a seam. Seam sealing prevents fraying and
unraveling at the seam.

In a carpet installation, the line formed by joining the edges of two pieces of
carpet by the use of seaming tapes, hand sewing or other techniques.

A method of finishing edges of area rugs by use of heavy, colored yarn sewn
around the edges in a close, overcast stitch

A change in the appearance of a carpet due to localized distortions in the
orientation of the fibers, tufts or loops. Shading is not a change in color or hue,
but a difference in light reflection

New carpet tends to shed for a few weeks after installation. Regular vacuuming
can resolve this problem. Shedding is more common in cut pile carpet and in wool
carpet. Synthetic fiber carpet (such as nylon) does not shed as much

A carpet style mimicking the woven look of rugs made from a natural plant fiber.
The pattern has the appearance of interwoven webs but is created on a tufting
machine by continually adjusting the height of each pile yarn.

Snags can occur when an object tangles in carpet. Usually, you can simply cut
the snag with sharp scissors. If the snag is large, however, call in a professional
carpet cleaner, retailer, or installer to resolve the problem

Soil Retardant .
A chemical finish applied to fibers or carpet surfaces that inhibits the attachment
of soil.

Soiling occurs when dirt particles build up in carpet fibers. Regular vacuuming
and cleaning will prevent this problem

Protrusion of individual tuft or yarn ends above the pile surface. May be clipped
with scissors.

Short lengths of fiber that may be converted into spun yarns by textile yarn
spinning processes. These spun yarns are also called “staple” yarns. For carpet
yarns spun on the common, modified worsted systems, most staple is six to eight
inches long. Staple fiber may also be converted directly into nonwoven fabrics,
such as needlepunched carpet.

Stitches per inch. Number of yarn tufts per running inch of a single tuft row in
tufted carpet.

Installation procedure for installing carpet over a separate cushion using a
tackless strip; properly performed with a power stretcher

Tackless Strip
Wood or metal strips fastened to the floor near the walls of a room containing
either two or three rows of pins angled toward the walls on which the carpet
backing is stretched and secured in a stretch-in installation.

Texture Retention
Texture retention or carpet memory is the ability of tufts to retain their
shape under traffic. Caring for care will help texture retention

Textured Plush
Most decoratively versatile. Textured surfaces help hide footprints and vacuum
marks. Add causal beauty to any room. Preferred style for busy households.
A great “whole-house” carpet

Tuft Bind
Force required to pull a tuft from the carpet.

Carpet manufactured by the insertion of tufts of yarn through a carpet-backing fabric, creating a pile surface of cut and/or loop ends.

Twist is the winding of the yarn around itself. More twist improves carpet performance (especially in cut pile).
Carpet manufactured by the insertion of tufts of yarn through a carpet-backing fabric, creating a pile surface of cut and/or loop ends.

Twist Level
Twist level is the number of turns per inch of yarn

Carpet cushion under rugs

Waterfall Installation
Stairs are composed of a tread (the upper horizontal part of a step) and a riser (the upright member between two stair treads). Waterfall installation attaches carpet to two points on each step (one at the back of the tread and one at the bottom of each riser). This type of installation extends the life of carpet on stairs. When the carpet on the treads become worn, they can be taken up, reversed, and reinstalled with the worn areas placed over the risers

Carpet produced on a weaving loom in which the lengthwise yarns and widthwise yarns are interlaced to form the fabric, including the face and the backing

Yarn is made of fibers that are twisted together to form a continuous strand

Yarn Count
Yarn count reflects the amount of yarn packed into a given area.

Yarn Ply
The number of single yarns twisted together to form a plied yarn

Friday, March 14, 2008

Introduction to Business

I recently received a copy of Introduction to Business by Laura Portolese Dias and Amit J. Shah. Laura Portolese Dias is a customer of mine. She bought some bedding from my website a few months ago.

She asked me if I would be willing to answer a few questions; which I did. She told me that she wanted to interview women who had a business for a book she was writing. Now I can claim to be published in a book! I am going to quote the book so that you will know about the person who is behind the web site: and the eBay Store by the same name, Winchuck-River-Store under the Seller ID of winchuckriverstore. Is that enough Winchuck River Store? I think so! I just want it easy for my customers to find me. I am now also using the address of for those that have a shorter memory. I can relate to both having a short memory and being rustic!

Laura teaches Business at Shoreline Community College in Washington State. She lives in Seattle with her husband and two humane society rescue dogs. I can relate very well to Laura as we have four rescued dogs and two resued cats. I also live in the Pacific Northwest being about 400 miles south of her.

This is what the book says about me:

"Winchuck River Store

Karen Clark, a small business owner, runs a thriving rustic lodge and cabin decor eBay business and internet store right from her home, Her story is one of determination and success. Clark found herself in need of a job after a divorce, which was a difficult situation for her because she had been a stay-at-home mother for the previous 16 years.

Clark had previously dabbled in selling antiques and had numerous volunteer experiences. She worked as an office assistant in the early 1980's when technology was different than it is now. She worked for a company that rented time shares and her job was to create files for new clients. Clark says that after she left that job, she didn't use a computer for a long time. After coming back to using one, she was pleased that they had become so user friendly. When she was once asked if she had fear of technology, she said she had no fear: " I look at technology as a 'dead' item. Nonliving things cannot hurt me, it isn't interested in hurting me so people should just go in there and figure it out. It doesn't recognize your failures, successes or have an opinion about you. There is no judgment to using technology other than the one you give yourself.

Clark says that without technology her business would not even be possible. technology helps her maintain her books, allows customers to virtually visit her shop and allows her to market her products, which include everything from lighting to antiques to kayak building kits."

It goes on to say the usual thing about how how technology in that it helps me get my job done well and the reward is answering only to myself.

I thought you might be interested in knowing about me in words that I don't usually use. I will take this book, read it cover to cover and hopefully boost my business by knowing more! I haven't the time to take a business course, but I can manage to still read between listings that need to be done.

I sold my first Meyda Light today! I have worked so hard getting those lights listed. I even figured out how to make a thumbnail click to a larger picture! I was amazed at myself. The lights are so very beautiful that I am proud to offer them. I am always willing to make special orders for my customers, giving them the best price possible along with changing out choices of metal or glass. You can see the possibilities on my Product Information Page.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rusitc Decorating Made Easy!

A few of my eBay items
- qsell

It looks like this form just needs to be much larger than necessary! I'll use it for blogging!

I love rustic. I try to only offer decorating items in my eBay Store and on my Website that enhances one's ability to decorate in a rustic lodge cabin style. Often customers might be into another method of decorating, but still love the items I sell. Check us out. I bet you can find just what you are looking for!

MUNKACSY Antique Lithograph Wine Cellar

Botanical Fern Ribbon Metal Wall Piece

Meyda Light Bell Shape Metal Folage Amber Shade NEW

Meyda LightTiffany Wildlife Green Glass Turtle NEW NIB

Meyda Light Easter Glass Rabbit NEW

Meyda Tiffany Light Landscape Glass Rustic Lodge New

Meyda Light Navajo Rustic Style Basket Arrowhead NEW

Meyda Tiffany Light Multi Colored Glass Tavern Bar NEW

Meyda Light Multi Colored Glass Peacock NEW

Meyda Light Tiffany Glass Blue Turtle NEW NIB

Meyda Light Pet German Shephard Dog Brown Glass NEW

Rustic Lodge Electric Metal Lantern Light w Bear NEW
US $22.49

Little Ballerina in Pink Christmas Ornament
US $5.40

Little Ballerina in Lavender Holiday Ornament
US $5.40

Little Ballerina in Soft Pink Dancing Ornament
US $4.50

Green Canoe Realistic Rustic Fishing Camping Ornament
US $5.40

Red Canoe Realistic Rustic Fishing Camping Ornament
US $5.40

Vintage Design Fishing Boat Cushion Cabin Lodge Decor
US $33.30

Vintage Design Fishing Boat Cushion Cabin Lodge Decor
US $33.30

Vintage Design Fishing Boat Cushion Cabin Lodge Decor
US $33.30

Bark Covered Rabbit Set of Two Rustic or Easter Decor
US $42.75

Faux Deer Antler Rustic Lodge Decor Candle Sticks Set 2
US $29.25

Faux Deer Antler Rustic Lodge Decor 18 Inches
US $24.75

Faux Deer Antler Rustic Lodge Decor
US $11.65

One Touch of Nature Cotton T Shirt M New
US $15.30

Rustic Wild Pheasant Statue Home Decor
US $36.45

Bark and Metal Rustic Lodge Cabin Style Vase 11 Inches
US $14.85

Solid Brass Bear w Fish Shelf Sitter Rustic Lodge Decor
US $25.20

Rustic Lodge Cabin Style Wild Pinecone Candle Holders
US $21.60

Rustic Lodge Style Brass Bear Taper Candle Holders
US $32.40
Free Quick*Sell Gallery from ISDN*tek

Writing HTML as a Old Granny

I learned to make clickable pictures yesterday. It is about time, huh? It wasn't that difficult. This blog is to encourage other folk out there who find themselves scared to face HTML to get their job done.

It is hard to type in HTML without it wanting to do it's job. I failed at putting the actual code here. Anyone know how to do that?

  • You have to make the HTML go into a editing area like this where you have the choice of having two views like this blog has of edit Html and Compose.
  • If you want to copy the clickable picture to where there is no ability to edit in HTML, just right click on the image in the compose view, copy and then past it where you want. I had to do this in my shopping cart editing on my website.

I did many of my listings on my website. Go to my website to the Lighting Pendants Category to see some of what I did. My customers can get a good view of what they might just want to buy and that is a good thing.

My montra is "NEXT" . Can you imagine now; me sitting crossed legged on the floor chanting "next, next, next" to get myself ready for facing this incredibly interesting internet world? I still have way too much to learn. You can read more about this on my eBay Blog that is found on My World Page. I wasn't able to insert the code into that blog either. eBay probably thinks that I am redirecting potential buyers to my website. That would also be a good thing, as Martha would say.

We Welcome You to Our Blog!

We blog about our rural area in the Pacific Northwest . This blog is all about my life and the places where my mind wonders from day to day. Have fun reading and looking at pictures. We welcome comments.

Be sure to watch, just above this blurb, my husband, Jim, using his 10 foot hands-free electric fishing kayak


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Electric Powered Hands-Free Fishing Kayak

Be sure to check out the separate blog to find out about our electric kayak, Kingfisher 10! You can find the blog at . You can also read the features list on this kayak and purchase building plans and building kits at .

About Me

My photo
We moved to our current home on the Wild River Coast of Southern Oregon from San Jose, CA. Our family consist of Jim and Karen, two dogs and two cats. Karen's passion is gardening. Jim's obsession is building electric powered fishing kayaks and fishing.