This the front of the postcard I made for Kingfisher Electric Boats. The fisherman is Bob, Jim's twin that lives in Mt. Home, Arkansas. He fishes Bull Shoals Lake near his home. He came for a visit and of course the twins had to get on the water together. One of their earliest pictures is of the two all dressed up holding a fishing pole.
I managed to create a web page for Jim's Kingfisher Electric Boats business! I struggled for days, but finally got it up and running. I used the brains of my smartest friends to improve my beginning efforts. Thank you John, Jude and Jeff for your time and thoughtful comments! You can find Jude at http://www.gpsspecials.com/ . She has been in the internet business for about 15 years and can rattle off ideas and suggestions like water off a ducks back! Jude is amazing!!!
The link to the website is: http://www.kingfisherelectricboats.com/. I also bought a site, http://www.jimskayak.com/ so that us with limited memory might be able to find the site. So far that link isn't finding the site unless you go up at the top and put in http://www.jimskayak.com/. Hopefully enough of us will be using the shortcut to get it to come up in your Google browser or whatever you use. I think maybe I should get the URL name, kayakguy.com if it is available.
We have nearly 100 hits that I can see so far. That is good. Jim is getting nervous about getting so many orders that he will be a full-time boat builder without a life outside of the shop! Jim and his daughter, Lynnette, are going up to the Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend, WA for Sept 7-9. We should get some great exposure up at the festival. I got them both a t-shirt advertising the business along with new business cards, magnets and even some postcards.
I now have to find matching PFD's with pockets that will hold all the literature! I have become the computer geek, advertising manager and now fashion coordinator for the new company. Sometimes, I have to have a glass of wine to turn myself into a regular human being so I can watch some TV and stop thinking...thinking.....and thinking more. Now I know why those software guys walked around looking less than normal back in the days that I used to work at one of those corporate jobs.
So now we are a two website family. Retirement has turned out to be much more involved than I ever imagined. I remember when I thought I would do wiz bang craft projects. When was that???
I sure would like to get feedback from all of you, so lay it on. I really benefit from hearing the thoughts of others.
- Tell me what you think of the site
- what you think of the kayak
- what ever else you think.
I've used every key word I can think of and what the computer programs tell me like: electric fishing kayak, wooden kayak kits, wood kayak plans, fishing kayak and the list goes on. Do you have any key words that you think I should be using?
And, if you are struggling to create a website, I might be able to help.....a bit. I am far from a wiz kid, but I will share what I know or think I know. LOL It would be a volunteer job and you can't fire a volunteer!
I'll be back later with maybe
- help picking the right dog for the family
- what to do with 500 lbs of tuna
- maybe how to can apples
Jim and Lynnette brought home about 500 lbs of tuna from the sea, we do have the four dogs which makes me a mini expert and the apple and peach trees are full of ripening fruit. Later...