Yesterday was one of those very special days on the Wild River Coast of Souther Oregon! It was very warm with brilliant sunshine. The new grass is green with the branches of the trees still bare from their winter's rest. The Chetco River was swollen from the rain we had earlier in the week...just right for floating down the river in the Kingfisher 10 Electric Powered Kayak without running into any rocks or having to get out to pull the kayak through low water!
Jim drove the truck up to Ice Box; which is four hour-float time from Social Secruity Bar at about 9:00 a.m. He didn't want to get cold going earlier in the morning. What a man! There is a fishing tournament going on this weekend, so the river was packed with drift boats. The long day of pulling those oars was given over to the guides or to husbands or the strongest passengers. Jim ran into a couple from Redding, CA, that had caught three nice Steelhead. The wife had caught all three since she couldn't manage the boat rowing duty. They shared a secret bait technique with Jim. He was busy early this morning drilling out float thing ma jings and stuffing them with....sorry it's a secret that he was sworn to keep.
I took our largest Lab, Sadie, with me when I went to pick him up at Social Security Bar. Sadie has had two legiment replacements this past fall only to later find out that her hips are shot. It is genetic and there isn't much we can do for her. I figured she would enjoy getting in the river even if she can't run much any longer.
Sadie was in her element splashing through the water sure that she could catch a floating sea gull. Jim took his time loading up, talking to other fishermen in the gravel loading up their boats. We played enough that Sadie was soaking wet and then drove up to Ice Box to pick up the truck. Sadie got to play again while Jim transfered the kayak from the car to the truck, loaded up Sadie along with a few rocks to line a new planting area.
Jim has had a lot of interst in the electric Kayak. He carries business cards in his PFD. The electric powered kayak can be seen on our website, and also on eBay. We are selling the plans only on eBay.
I got to thinking how helpful Prolotheraphy was for my arthritis on my thumbs. I have eliminated 99 per cent of pain in joints that no longer have any cartlidge. I was wondering why it wouldn't work for Sadie. I looked it up on the internet to see if they ever do that for dogs and found that they do. Now, to convience my doctor to talk with our vet to see if they can get together to give Sadie an opportunity to live out her life. She is only five and deserves to live at least till she is 12 or 14! I'll let you know the progress I make with this plan. We live in a rural area and don't have large vet hospitals where they do cutting edge techniques, but we do have a good vet and a wonderful doctor that does Prolotheraphy. Surely they will be willing to get together to make it possible for Sadie to romp in the river for a few more good years!
Jim is out on the river again today. Maybe when the rain shows up tomorrow, he will take the time to write up a fishing report in his blog. He does get pretty compulsive about building kits out in the garage or driving up to Ice Box to put in for that run down the river when he can. He is just gaining interest in driving our business on the took me listing his kayak for sale! Suddenly he perked up and wondered how browsers work and what can I do to make his kayak more visable! What a man!
Sadie just came over to the computer to give me a warm smushy kiss. I bet she wants to go with me again today, when I pick Jim up...we need a kayak that has a motor to drive up to Ice Box to get the truck itself!! Sadie wouldn't appreciate that!
Welcome to our blog where we update you on our life here on the Wild River's Coast of Southern Oregon. We love sharing most loved recipes, volunteering, pets, fishing activities on rivers and ocean, hiking, gardening or news happening with and around us.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Electric Powered Kayak Plans on eBay!

Kingfisher 10
Electric Kayak
Jim's electric powered kayak plans are now listed for sale on eBay! Follow this link to find the plans. He has also taken his features and turned them into a guide for eBay. I am sure many people will find this very interesting reading! You can find kayak kits that make assembly much easier on our website. We'd love to hear from you about your thoughts on this Kingfisher 10 electric powered hands-free kayak!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Shopping Habits of Gen X'ers
Dr. Laura Portolese Dias has written a very interesting article on the Shopping Habits of Gen X'ers. She reports that Gen X'ers may develope similar frugal buying habits much like the generation from the Depression Era. This is something that I have never thought of, but she believes the terrible economic blow of the Dot.Com failure will affect this generation with a sense of watching the dollars they spend. They will be much like the grandparents you never understood! You can read this article on: <">>
I remember in the late 1970's, I wrote a paper for a Sociology class on whether we made the choice at that time to dress much more casually than earlier because we were so "hip" or was it the extreme economic crunch we were feeling at that time when salaries were being frozen, jobs were scarce and we all had to tighten our belts? Jeans were cheaper, sandles and no socks were much less expensive than designer shoes. Was it really our choice?
We like to think we are so in control of what happens to our lives. We like to think we choose how to dress and what car to drive, but in reality do we? I think this sense of false control we feel about our lives is just a way to feel more comfortable in our dress-down attitudes and smaller economical cars. Our minds seek out comfort and it likes to hide from stress. What better way than to spend less, but think it is our choice?
Just something to think about. I'd like to hear what you have to say about this subject.
I remember in the late 1970's, I wrote a paper for a Sociology class on whether we made the choice at that time to dress much more casually than earlier because we were so "hip" or was it the extreme economic crunch we were feeling at that time when salaries were being frozen, jobs were scarce and we all had to tighten our belts? Jeans were cheaper, sandles and no socks were much less expensive than designer shoes. Was it really our choice?
We like to think we are so in control of what happens to our lives. We like to think we choose how to dress and what car to drive, but in reality do we? I think this sense of false control we feel about our lives is just a way to feel more comfortable in our dress-down attitudes and smaller economical cars. Our minds seek out comfort and it likes to hide from stress. What better way than to spend less, but think it is our choice?
Just something to think about. I'd like to hear what you have to say about this subject.
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Be sure to watch, just above this blurb, my husband, Jim, using his 10 foot hands-free electric fishing kayak
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Electric Powered Hands-Free Fishing Kayak
Be sure to check out the separate blog to find out about our electric kayak, Kingfisher 10! You can find the blog at . You can also read the features list on this kayak and purchase building plans and building kits at .
About Me

- The Clark Family on the Winchuck River
- We moved to our current home on the Wild River Coast of Southern Oregon from San Jose, CA. Our family consist of Jim and Karen, two dogs and two cats. Karen's passion is gardening. Jim's obsession is building electric powered fishing kayaks and fishing.